creating a Periwinkle flower block - the 63rd flower in the BOW flower collection

Periwinkle Flower Block

Tags: applique, BOW flower, pattern, quilt block

Today I decided I needed to add another flower block to my collection of BOW flowers. If you have been following for a while, you will know I already have 62 of these blocks and my plan was to add more throughout the year. How we managed to already be in October, I have no idea!

So this flower is to be a Periwinkle. I love the starry shape of it. I found a Periwinkle photo on wikipedia to base my block on (copyright licensing details can be found here)

Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar Periwinkle), Nayantara in Bengali, is common flower in India. Photographed at Kolkata.

This photo gave me the idea for the petal shape and the leaf stitching, thus my flower block was born.....

The flowers are typically violet-blue, but like the one above, can also be white, pink, or lavender and since I had already been working in pinks and greens recently with my quilt Ginkgo Garden pattern, I decided to continue the trend.

First up was to draw up the shapes, trace them to fusible and arrange them on a background. This is most fun trying to arrange them in a pleasing way.

cutting appliques to create the periwinkle block
starting with the petals, I used a different fabric for each flower

Once that is complete, I can adhere them in place and pull out some threads to see which will work. Sometimes this takes longer than choosing fabrics!

selecting threads to stitch the periwinkle applique
selecting threads

The fun part for me is stitching. I use my soft-edge applique technique stitching around all shapes twice. I make the flowers pop by adding a darker outline with an embroidered center. This week I decided to add a video of me doing some of the stitching.

Of course, there is the pattern to write up and the templates to finalize before I can launch this new block but as I was doing this, I realized I'd made a terrible mistake. Can you spot it?

I had to do a bit of ripping back to fix the problem and after an hour or so, was back on track. 

Periwinkle Flower block - the 63rd in the BOW flower collection
Periwinkle flower block

If you'd like to make this flower too, you can find the pattern here: Periwinkle Flower Block

I hope you enjoy it just as much as I have, and hopefully you won't make the same mistake I did!

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