morning glory applique designs by Ruth Blanchet

Morning Glories applique quilt - a play with color

Tags: applique, color, color wash, morning glory, quilt pattern

A few week's back, I posted a photo on Facebook relating to the Morning Glory flowers I've appliqued.

morning glory applique images
Morning Glories original design

This got me thinking and I've been looking closer at my "Glorious Morning" quilt and been wondering if it would look great in different colors. Since the morning glories on this pattern are appliqued it would be so easy to audition various fabrics but sometimes it is easier to figure it out first.

Mostly I know morning glories in a blue-purple color but I see there are many in shades of blue, blue-purple, and pink. Even white ones. I decided to play a little with colors in a photo editor to see what I came up with. 

I enhanced the colors a little to give a more golden look to the background, brighten up the border, and give the flowers a richer look...
morning glories enhanced with photo editor

Then I enhanced the leaves making them a little lighter and brighter.

Morning Glory applique - enhancing the leaves

Now I changed the leaves to a blue-green color to blend in better with the background but still dark enough not to get lost.

Morning Glory applique with blue-green leaves

Then I changed the color of the leaves from the blue-green to a more yellow-green

Morning glories with yellow-green leaves

Going back to the original leaves, I began changing the color of the flowers to a fuchsia pink.


and then enhanced the leaves again into the blue-green shade.


Then finally added the yellow-green leaves back in.


With enhanced leaves of blue-green, I made purple flowers.


This was fun! One more thing to try and that was a change to the background. I wasn't going through all the variations I just picked on of the fuchsia pink flowers to work with. I changed the background to a yellow and blue combination.


If you have made this quilt pattern I'd love to see how it turned out and what colors you used. 

Which one is your favorite?  I posted my favorite on the website (click on the little image under the main photo to see it): Glorious Morning

If you'd like to know more about how to enhance your quilts using a photo editor, consider signing up for my online workshop and download the software for free: Free Software for Quilters

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