- Description
- Requirements
Have you ever wanted to make your own quilt designs from a photograph or picture and tried to draw or trace it with paper and pencil? Or wanted to use a computer program to assist your drawing but found they well all too expensive? Now your problem is solved with this online workshop. Ruth will show you the ins and outs of open-source software (free to download and use) so you can manipulate images and photos, draw outlines, resize, tweak and change them a multitude of times, color them, and more, but the best thing is, it can all be done time and time again without having to redraw it over and over.
In this workshop, you will learn not only how to use GIMP (a raster graphic editor), Inkscape (a vector graphic editor), and Posterazor an image enlarger, but how to download and install them, what to watch out for so you don't inadvertently download the wrong software and how to use these three programs as well as some other useful tools. You will understand the difference between raster and vector graphics, learn how to use Layers and how to edit images and draw outlines.
So who is this workshop for? Any quilter who wants to develop their own design from a photo, composition, painting, or drawing. Any teacher who wants to draw templates for their students. Any quilt designer who wants to draw professional templates for their patterns. Anyone who wants to learn how to use GIMP, Inkscape, and Posterazor.
This four-lesson workshop includes a starting up lesson (for downloading your programs correctly) and understanding the elements in drawing, then three more lessons, one dedicated to each of the programs. And if you get stuck or have a question, you have a forum where you can get help from your teacher who will be checking in on a daily basis.
This course is for anyone beginning in using the software mentioned and will cover most topics for drawing templates and basic editing of images. It is ideal for quilters who wish to develop their own patterns.
This Workshop includes:
- SPECIAL FEATURE: This on-demand workshop can be accessed anytime
- 30+ step-by-step videos
- Text and Images
- On-demand teacher to answer all your questions
Requires: Computer with internet access for downloading software.
Note: this workshop is directed to using Windows, however, all software is available to be used on a Mac and the information is the same or similar. Mac users need to be confident in using their Mac to enroll in this course.