Flowers for My Mother

Flowers for My Mother

Tags: applique, BOW flower, flower, pattern, quilt block, totes

It really is such a beautiful autumn day now the rain has eased that I couldn't help but take a stroll around the nearby park to enjoy the weather. I don't see many flowers other than the rain soaked wilted kind, but instead I find I need to quickened my pace as the clouds consume the sky once again. After a quick dash home and inside as the first drops start pelting down, I find myself looking down on my flower block quilt (clearly not displayed as in the photo below but on my bed) as a better source of inspiration for flowers. 

As I stand here looking at the different flowers, I start thinking about Mother's day that is fast approaching. Mother's Day in New Zealand and in the United States (and other countries but not all) is annually held on the second Sunday of May. It celebrates motherhood and is a time which is recognized to appreciate mothers or those who take the role of mothers. Many people give gifts cards, flowers, sweets or candy, a meal or other treats to their mother, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and any other mother figures. Quilters often give quilts and in some cases flower quilts. 

Of course, it takes more time and effort than a quick visit to the stores but it is made with love which adds unbeatable value. In my quilt above, I used 12 of the 59+ flower blocks I've made over the years and although I didn't make them specifically for mother's day, I have created many mother's (including my own) favorite flowers.

Lily of the Valley is my mother's favorite flower and this is the block I made her.

I turned this into a tote which I believe is a fabulous idea as it can be filled with her favorite treats and given any time of the year.

Here are some more totes I have made using my flower blocks.

totes with a flower block pocket
What's your favorite flower and will you make one into a tote for your mother or perhaps one for yourself - you deserve it! You'll find the link for all my flower blocks below along with links to other resources mentioned above.
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