Every time I review my Bargello Seasons (online quilting class for Bargello beginners) to add updates, I am inspired to design a new Bargello quilt. It has been a while since I made one, in fact, I didn't even make one last year which is unusual for me. Does that mean I need to make two this year? Perhaps!
If you have ever made a Bargello quilt before you will know that it is made up of color runs (or shades of color ranging from light to dark, or vice versa). Often I use two or more colors in a Bargello quilt, but sometimes only one. I'm wondering what I should do this time. Perhaps you can help me decide which group of colors to choose from.
I have a nice range of green...
or blue and yellow. I love the 'bridge' fabric that has blue and yellow which joins the to colors nicely together.
or perhaps I could go "outside the box" and try something different, like browns.
Interesting, I just used the 'bridge fabric from the blue and yellow group here with the browns to make a brown and blue combination which looks rather good too.
What do you think? Maybe I will keep searching and see what else I come up with.
If you have not made a Bargello before and are interested in trying, join me in my online workshop - it's one of my favorites. We make four different Bargellos (I use four different fabric groups to represent the four seasons) but you can use any colors you like. You can read more information about it here: Bargello Seasons online class
Becky, these were pulled from my stash quite some time ago. I do notice Hoffman fabrics in amongst them, but any one-color fabrics (ie all green) arranged from light to dark will work wonderfully. Be careful with sticking either to blue-greens or yellow-greens, using both together doesn’t work as well. Hope this helps!
I love the color selection of these greens. Where can I purchase them? As a bundle or individually. I’m going to try to make one.
Pam and Jan, I surprisingly like the last one too! and yet it really isn’t my choice of colors. I believe it is the way the colors are connecting, the little gold hints in the blue and the blueish tinge in the brown – it all brings it together nicely.
Barb, the plan is for a new bargello! Now just to find the time to create it :)
Ahhhh Color Connections, one of my favorite and a popular pattern.
Noela, glad to see you so dedicated. Yes I love Bargellos too! Not sure I’ll get two done, but I’ll give it a shot!
I like the blue to brown combination and hope you design a new bargello for us this year; 2 would be even better.
I have done the colour connections, your 4 seasons and bargello blues classes and am currently working on twisted bargello. I love bargello.
I love the greens. Does this mean a new pattern design? I have taken your bargello seasons as well as Blues class and consider them some of my best work. Yesterday, dug out the pattern I bought several years ago off your site -Color Connections. Even had three runs started Burgandy,grey and blue.