Flying Geese blocks or units can be made in several ways. Those who like foundation piecing love to use this method while others simply piece squares and rectangles together. There is several methods of achieving the latter too.
The following method creates a 3" x 1.5" finished unit. Notice the height is always half the size of the width.
Cut ONE background 3½" x 2" rectangle and TWO contrast 2" squares per Unit.
Draw a line through the diagonal on the wrong side of the two squares. Place one square flush with one end of rectangle with right sides together.

Sew along the line starting at the inside edge. (starting here helps prevent the machine eating the fabric).
Press one half of the square over the seam towards corner to form a triangle in the corner of rectangle. Tip: To ensure accurate piecing, raw edges of all three layers should be even when folded in place.
To reduce bulk, trim the rectangle and inner section of the square only, leaving 1/4" seam allowance (dia1 showing under side). Note: If outer triangle is not even with rectangle, only trim the inner section of the square (dia2).

Place a second square flush with other end of rectangle with right sides together. Repeat as for first square making sure you sew in the correct direction.