Making nine-patch blocks for sampler and inspirational quilts - patterns available

Tuesday Tutor Stitch Along - Part Three: 9-Patch

Tags: 9-patch, BOM, free pattern, patchwork, quilt block
9-patch for sampler quilt using strip piecing

Welcome back to our third part for Tuesday Tutor. If you haven't started yet, you can find the previous parts here:

This week we are making a 9-patch.

9-patch blocks can be made a number of ways depending on the look you want. You can divide the squares into a certain color combination using light and dark or using various color combinations or you can create a scrappy block that is just a jumble of color.

scrappy 9-patch block generated in EQ8   basic light-dark 9-patch block

If you are creating a basic two fabric 9-patch it is very easy because you work in sets of strips. We all like easy right? The first set would be an a-b-a combination and the second set would be b-a-b combination....or using shades of light and dark, your combinations would be dark-light-dark and light-dark-light. This is explained better by looking at the pictures below.

shows construction for nine patch of two colors
Create 2 strip sets, cut them to size and rejoin to make block

The sets are cut up to form the rows, then rows are joined. Blocks go together very easy and quickly.

We are going to do a similar thing for our block however we will be using three sets of fabrics instead of two as shown above so that the design fits with our quilt sampler. We will require FOUR 9-patch blocks in total. Each row of the block will be different but all blocks will be the same.

Cut the following 2 1/2" strips from your fabrics

set of double strips for nine-patch construction

ONE full width strip of fabrics 2, 4, and 8
cut in half to make TWO 1/2 width strips

3 single strips ready to piece for nine patch
ONE 1/2 width strip of fabrics 1, 6, and 9

Join the strips in sets as shown:

strip set 1 for nine patch construction
fabrics 4-6-4

Set 1: Sew fabric 6 strip between the TWO fabric 4 strips. Press the seams toward fabric 4

strip set 2 for nine patch construction
fabrics 8-9-8

Set 2: Sew fabric 9 strip between the TWO fabric 8 strips. Press the seams toward fabric 9

strip set 3 for nine patch construction
fabrics 2-1-2

Set 3: Sew fabric 1 strip between the TWO fabric 2 strips. Press the seams toward fabric 2

Why do we press the seams like this? You will see when we come to join the sections how the seams butt together when the seams are pressed in opposite directions. This makes the seams lock together and reduces the need for pins which in turn speeds up the process.

Once your seams are pressed correctly we are going to cut them all up. This method speeds up our constructions. Often we can cut strips, join them, and re-cut them to make up a design. This eliminates the need to sew small seams and tends to make the process more accurate as well as faster. You can end up with various shaped pieces without having to cut them using templates. Okay, I admit it, if I can avoid templates I do! It just makes piecing a whole lot easier and I will always look for ways to hurry it along while keeping it accurate so I can get onto the quilting which is my favorite part of the whole quilt.

So remember how we straighten up one end of our strip block? We are going to do that again and then cut our blocks. Cut FOUR 2 1/2" strips from each strip block. Then join the strips together with set 2 in the center.

cutting and join strip sets to create a nine-patch block for Sampler quilt

This time, press both seams towards set 3. We are aligning the seams up with next week's blocks so you'll see how they butt together then.

That completes our nine-patch block and another week's tutorial. If you would like to purchase the pattern at our blog exclusive price (including the two quilts below) you can find it here: Sampler 9-patch

If you would like to pre-order the entire set of instructions for our Sampler quilt plus 2 bonus free parts, you can do that too!

See you next week!

Here are some simple quilts using this weeks block.

9-Patch Point quilt made with 9-patch blocks on point
9-patch Point quilt with blocks on point
Squares and Rails quilt made with nine-patch and rail fence blocks on point
9-patch and Rails quilt uses 9-patch & Rail Fence Block

Both quilts can be found in this week's pattern instructions: Sampler Quilt - 9-patch

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