Challange week 4 - photos include flowers, pinecone, fir trees, dry grass and water

Sketch, Scribble, Stitch: Journaling Your Creative Journey

Tags: challenge, color, design a quilt, inspiration

Wow Week 4, and we are right at the backdoor of Christmas, but that's not stopping me. I know I'll pick up my phone and capture a photo here and there over the next week, but be warned, there may or may not be a lot of food photos for the next few days as I have 2 birthdays, Christmas and Boxing Day to indulge in, so watch for those. You never know, it may be the starting of a beautiful Still Life!

I am loving this journal creating, I can already see lots of inspiration for quilts in 2025. Let's jump to this week's collection of photos....

My week 4 photos

Day 1: Pink dahlia in my daughter's garden in Canterbury

Challenge day 18: pale pink dahlia with yellow center

Day 2: It is very dry in Canterbury as you can see by the brown grass, but the wire fence gives me a quilting idea.

Challenge day 19: wire netting fence against dry brown grass

Day 3: My grandson was making candles for a market, look at this cool pinecone candle!

challenge day 20: a pinecone candle created for a Christmas arts and craft market

Day 4: Here is the water race, this flows year round to supply needed water to farmers. You can see how the grass is green directly next to it. This is right next to where I took the wire fence photo above.

challenge day 21: water in the water race - green on one side and brown on the other

Day 5: As I'm taking my granddaughters for a walk, I took this photo looking down on the side of the road. I like the idea of having a large area on the left and small particles on the right - of course you could flip that or rotate it too. The concept is a great quilt layout idea.

challenge day 22: gravel verse asphalt (tarmac) on side of road

Day 6: Today we have lots of grey sky with a forecast of much needed rain. I love the way the green fir tree has great contrast against the sky.

Challenge day 23: green fir tree against grey skies

Day 7: A good dose of rain sees a beautiful poppy appear along the wooden fence.

challenge day 25: wild poppies growing alongside a wooden fence after some rain

Sketches and/or Notes

I choose the pinecone candle to draw, but there are a number of others I have ideas for too. However, I love the shape of the pinecone. It could be used for applique or quilting, or it would also make an interesting still life piece.

challenge week 4 sketch of a pinecone candle

What a fun week as I transition to a new location for the holidays. It is definitely a different look. Remember, it's never too late to start this challenge.... Instructions for our Photo Challenge

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