I had fun recently trying a new technique - art yarn. This is my first attempt and I know I need some improvements but I'll work on those! In the meantime I thought I would use the art yarn to make some sort of decorative fabric creation.

My first attempt at Art yarn
I started out by collecting various threads and fabric to use.

supplies gathered for art fabric
I then couched the yarn in place using a zigzag stitch and variegated thread. I also used the variegated thread in the bobbin to make the underside interesting too. Then I added some decorative free-motion in between. Watch this short video clip of me in action!
Decorative Fabric in the making

my creative fabric completed
Perhaps I should have thought a bit more about what I wanted to use this creation for and made it a little wider! Because after it was made I realized it would turn into some real fun coasters but alas I had not cut the fabric as wide as it could have been. 4" coasters will suffice! Note: when creating this fabric with an idea of what you will use it for make the area at least a couple of inches larger so often the edges are not complete or the section is just not large enough to cut from - of course you can always add more!

Getting ready to trim it into coasters
To make coasters I cut the fabric into four 4" x 4-1/2" rectangles.....

Coasters cut ready to finish off
.... and used some more of the art yarn to couch around the edges.

one finished coaster
I think that this purple fabric - just ripped raw - is a nice way to keep the four coasters together. What an ideal gift.

Gift packed coasters