third block in the sample quilt with bonus quilts in pattern

Tuesday Tutor Stitch Along - Part Four: Flip Block

Tags: BOM, Flip block, free pattern, patchwork, quilt block
Flip block - the third block to be made in the Sampler quilt

Welcome back to the fourth week of our stitch along. Here's a recap of the previous posts:

Flip Block

This week’s block isn't a standard block but one made to fit our design. It’s a technique you will be learning which can be used in many common blocks. I refer to it as the flip-block.

This technique is an easy method of making an accurate block and can be used in blocks such as the very popular Snowball Block.

snowball patch is ideal for filler squares in quilts

Snowball Block

This method shows you how to make triangles using squares of fabric so no triangles are actually cut. You can use any sized square (or rectangle for that matter) as the background section and add corners which can also be any size.

The idea of this technique is so you do not have to cut and sew stretchy bias seams as you would with cutting a triangle. A square is much easier to sew and keep in shape whereas a triangle (because one side is cut on the bias) can easily be pushed out of shape as it is sewn.

bias edge on triangle

triangles have a bias cut

For our sample we are going to make a double triangle block but only on one corner.

Flip block - the third block to be made in the Sampler quilt

Flip Block for quilt sample

Fabrics used in this block are: 2 4 & 9.

You need to make FOUR of these blocks.

  • Cut FOUR 6 1/2" squares from fabric 2
  • Cut FOUR 4 1/2" squares from fabric 9
  • Cut FOUR 2 1/2" squares from fabric 4

Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the WRONG side of all 4 1/2" and 2 1/2" squares.

drawn lines through diagonal for stitching lines
 Draw diagonal lines through 4 1/2" & 2 1/2" squares

Position ONE 4 1/2" square in corner of ONE 6 1/2" square so drawn line is positioned across the corner, right sides are together, and raw edges even.

Stitch across the drawn line. Tip: By stitching ONE thread toward the corner from the drawn line will give you a neater triangle as you are allowing room for the fold.

flip block with first square sewn and ready to flip over seam to create triangle

Stitch along line and press

Press inside corner of 4 1/2" square over seam and there you have it a neatly formed triangle.

Measure the block to ensure it remains 6 1/2" square. Trim if necessary.

Fold back the top section again and trim the TWO under sections leaving a 1/4" seam allowance from stitching.

trimming flip block after first square is added

Trim two lower layers

Press triangle back in place.

flip block with first triangle corner made

First triangle in place

For our double effect you need to add the 2 1/2" square in the same way on the same corner. Remember to have raw edges even, right sides together, and sew the diagonal line across the corner.

second square is stitched in place for flip block

Add 2nd square

Once pressed in place lift the top section and trim away the TWO under sections to reduce bulk leaving a 1/4" seam allowance as before.

That's all there is to it. Now make the other THREE blocks the same so you have a TOTAL of FOUR blocks.

Well done on creating another block. Remember you can purchase this pattern for a few dollars while we are running this stitch along. You'll find it here: Sampler Quilt, individual parts and patterns

Here are the bonus quilts found in the patterns:

Floating Squares quilt made from a flip block

'Floating Squares' quilt uses Flip Block with double flips on all corners

Diamond Trellis is made using Flip blocks and nine-patch blocks

'Diamond Trellis' uses Flip Blocks and 9-patch Blocks

Both quilts can be found in this week's pattern instructions: Sampler Quilt - Flip Block
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Thank you Virginia, glad to hear you are enjoying them. Feel free to send me a photo or two of your blocks, I’d love to see them. Happy stitching!


Hi Ruth, I’m enjoying these Tuesday Blocks. Thanks for providing them.

Virginia Keim

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