
Refunds on Downloads

There are no refunds given on downloads, all sales are final. We will gladly correct any mistakes in the download pattern by issuing another download of the same pattern if necessary. It is the responsibility of the receiver to have plenty of paper and ink to print out a download if they choose to. Arbee Designs will not be responsible for printer crashes or computer glitches.


We accept payments by Credit Card, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, Shop Pay, and Visa.  Alternatively, you can request your order in an email by contacting us using our Contact Form or the email address below and we will send you an electronic invoice. Do NOT include your credit card details within the email for security reasons.

We also accept internet transfers by direct credit into our bank account. Please email us for details.

All manual ordering incur a $4 transaction fee.

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Please check your spam folder for the download email. If you still cannot find it please ensure you have our email arbee @ arbeedesigns.com (with spaces removed) in your contacts and use the contact form to notify us adding the details of your order. We will send you a copy of the download notification you missed or a new link.