My new flower for February is a Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis). I've made it a little larger than life as it is such a dainty wee flower.
Since I didn't have a photo of this delicate little flower, I searched the web to get an idea of the flower and leaf shapes, then drew my own design. It may not be technically correct but it is beautiful in any case.
Once I had an outline idea, I drew the different flower shapes onto fusible webbing. I drew the stems and leaves too, then pressed them to the fabrics I intended to use. I chose blue for my flowers (Forget-Me-Nots do come in shades of soft pink too), but for a unique twist, you could experiment with different color palettes - perhaps soft purples or oranges for a whimsical touch!

After cutting out my pieces and a little bit of rearranging, I could see my block coming to life. I took this idea and drew it on the computer ready for the pattern.
I used the computer pattern to place the pieces taking note of the order so I could record that in the pattern as well. You can see the print pattern sheet under the white background fabric.

The buds were the most difficult, but only because they are quite tiny. In the pattern, I separated these from the main applique pieces with specific instructions on how to construct them first before applying them to the background.

With the applique pieces in place, it was time to select threads... I love this part!

And then time to begin stitching...

Many quilters will stop after stitching just once around the raw edges, but I like adding a bit more detail with a darker thread. Compare the next two photos and see the difference it makes when you add a touch of shading!

Embellishments such as embroidery, beading, or even thread painting can further enhance the design and I've included some of these ideas in the pattern.
This Forget-Me-Not applique block pattern is now available, complete with full-size templates and detailed instructions to guide you through each step. I’d love to see how you incorporate this block into your projects! You can find the pattern here: Forget-Me-Not applique block pattern
It is the 65th block in my collection of flowers. The entire collection can be found here: BOW Flower Collection
Happy stitching!